(clockwise, from bottom L): Barbara Johnson, William Hall, Bonnie Hall, Arthur Ong, Judy Posnikoff, Greg Bates, Joann Leatherby, Michelle Rohé (clockwise, from bottom L): Kay Mortenson, Thomas Nielsen, Gary Good, Elizabeth Stahr, Tom Rogers, Sally Anderson (clockwise, from bottom L): Andy Brown, Carol Saindon, Mary Lyons, Phil Lyons, Nancy Lyons, Molly Pontin, Dennis O'Hern (clockwise, from bottom L): Kay Mortenson, Thomas Nielsen, Gary Good, Elizabeth Stahr, Tom Rogers, Sally Anderson (clockwise, from bottom L): Honoree Cherie Kerr, Drake Doremus, Jane Lyons, Susan Hori, Bob Davies, Rick Stein, Alison Stein, Tim Shaw (clockwise, from bottom L): Sonia Gonzalez, Helen Daubs, Heather Estus, Rachel Donawerth, Ernesto Maldonado, Robert Gandara, Darlene Gandara Dinner guests at Leatherby's Cafe Rouge 2019 Arts Awards Honorees and Emcees: Front row: (from L) Renee Bodie, General Manager, Soka Performing Arts Center & Arts Awards Co-Emcee; Jerry Mandel, President & CEO, Irvine Barclay Theatre; James Dinh, artist and landscape architect; Cherie Kerr, founder, Orange County Crazies; Richard Stein, President & CEO, Arts Orange County & Arts Awards Co-Emcee. Back row: (from L) John Spiak, Director/Chief Curator, Grand Central Art Center; Tracey Gayer, Associate Director, Grand Central Art Center; Carl St.Clair, Music Director, Pacific Symphony; Ernesto and Socorro Vasquez, Arts Patrons and Philanthropists. Artist/Arts Leader Honoree James Dinh (R) with Presenter and Arts Orange County Board Member Ellen Breitman