
ArtsOC is a proud and vigorous advocate for the arts and arts education. We speak up for the arts in front of government, the media, the business community and citizens of Orange County.

Our key advocacy goals include:

  • Build public will for the arts and arts education
  • Increase public funding for the arts at the federal, state and local level through direct communication with our elected officials and through participation in collective efforts of arts advocacy coalitions and associations
  • Promote creative sector friendly legislation and oppose legislation that impedes the work of the sector
  • Monitor adherence by Orange County’s schools and districts to fulfilling State-mandated instructional responsibilities in music, art, dance and theatre, and advocate for remedial steps when necessary
  • Ensure that Orange County’s artists and arts organizations are fairly represented on public funding peer-review panels and Boards
  • Provide a platform for the arts community to meet and engage directly with our elected officials to educate them about the needs and concerns of their constituents
  • Provide regular briefings to the arts community about the status of arts advocacy efforts on their behalf
  • Offer advocacy training to artists, arts educators, arts leaders and arts patrons to build their effectiveness
A figure stands in a spotlight with their arms raised

“To encourage literature and the arts is a duty which every good citizen owes to his country.” - President George Washington

Photo courtesy of Pacific Symphony


COVID-19 Response Report

Arts Orange County has worked intensely to coordinate relief and support for an arts and cultural community devastated by the coronavirus pandemic. See the results of our efforts in this report.

Arts Orange County is a member of Americans for the Arts, our nation’s principal arts advocacy organization, the California Arts Advocates, our state’s principal arts advocacy organization, and the California Alliance for Arts Education, our state’s principal advocacy organization for arts education.

To discover up-to-date news about arts issues, pending legislation, and calls to action, please visit the following:

Empower Yourself With These Studies

The arts and creative industries are major economic drivers in Orange County and throughout the Southern California region. California’s creative economy employs over 1.8 million workers, accounting for nearly 7.6% of the state’s workforce. In addition, the state’s creative economy directly contributes 14.9% ($507.4 billion) of the state’s $3.4 trillion economy

The Otis Report on the Creative Economy of the Los Angeles Region reports that 1 out of 7 jobs today are in the creative industries. Now you can access volumes of data through their new, interactive dashboard.

In 2006, Arts Orange County and the Orange County Community Foundation released the results of a study they conducted in a publication entitled Orange County Cultural Indicators Report: Measuring Progress Toward a More Creative Community.

The goal was to acquire and share a clear understanding of Orange County’s arts and culture sector. The results have been used to engage the community in collaborative planning and problem-solving that makes Orange County a more creative community. The study was funded by The James Irvine FoundationThe Boeing Company, and Keith and Judy Swayne.


Advocacy in Action